Monday, 28 September 2015

Rational.. The New Intelligent!!

Perfectionist need not always be a prodigy
Nor does imperfectionist mean a fool..
To be ordinary also leads to fortune
As slow but steady leads to success
Fundamentalist progresses to perfection and further wisdom
Success doesn't happen overnight albeit patience pays big time
You can be average today,
Though your future above average..
Change your present slow but steady,
Surely it is tomorrows past.
Success is not something defined monetary
Its something that brings peace to soul
Something to live for,
Something that can be cherished even after you leave the world behind..
Walk with a slow pace
But make ur steps noble
Failure isn't fatal
Until you treat it one..
There is always a space for improvement
Mistakes don't exist
It's just a chance missed..
Make your actions rational
Never absurd..
Don't portray yourself,
Let your actions be enough to put others in awe
Let your success be so high
The enigma of it can enchant the universe
Enlighten yourself completely
Darkness will be swayed intensely
Don't condition your living
Rather live diverse
Don't live your past
Rather leave it..
Don't die a pessimist
Rather live an optimist!!

Monday, 21 September 2015


Past is like gush of water,
Changing with every tide..
Present is real.. engulf yourself in it,
Future could be myth..
Until its "occurrence"

Days pass years cross,
Setback could be mysterious,
To step ahead could be luminous.
Fortune cannot be challenged,
Mystery is resolved with the passage of time..
Patience leads to prosperity,
Impatience to a complete deadlock,
Impulsive behaviour a reason for distress,
You alone are the reason for your happiness,
Millions of reasons to be sad about,
Yet one reason enough to be happy about..

Cherish your present.. it still exists
The future unseen, unknown.. no need to worry,
The mystery lies ahead.. cease the moment.
Once gone.. its lost forever.

Change your thoughts.. happiness awaits.
Change your path.. success awaits
Change your mind.. wisdom awaits
Don't wait.. Future still awaits.


Sunday, 13 September 2015

"Thought Process"

Mind keeps rambling between past and future
From the dawn to the dusk
Illuminating few thoughts,
In harmony with diminishing conviction.
Worries of past and anxiety of future.
Goals futuristic,
Though priorities set, grasped and worked on.. leads to innovation
Notion keeps transforming with every minute
Leading to an inception.
Thoughts emerge with an idea.
An idea that has an ability to bring about a transformation
Control mind.. its a machine gifted with existence
Too much wandering leads to winding
Mind should be trained to be contented
Being complacent only leads to self obstruction
Finding peace is just an attempt
Living in consonance with it is triumph
Success is phenomenal
Reason being unending faith and perseverance
An optimist has power to convert a defeat into victory
A pessimist can only sympathize
The mind still doesn't stop rambling
Create never criticise
Criticism only brings deadlock..never a value addition
You are born to live
Don't live to die one day..
Treat negative moments as passing clouds
Even a failure to reach moon brings somewhere closer to the sky
Life is never a failure until you treat it one
when everything fails today you are born tomorrow again.
Let that tomorrow make a difference.
Don't restrict your vision to a casket
Look beyond.. future still awaits
Spectrum still persists
Be spectacular.. your existence is never trivial
A diamond is often found in a coal mine
Post darkness there is always a dawn
Embrace yourself well
Tomorrow is still a mystery!

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The hidden TRUTH..

I went to the pyramids for excavating something extraordinary
The structure initially looked magnificent,
Albeit couldn't charm for long,
I came back only knowing..becoming an archeologist wasn't ever my dream

I went under the sea to discover life in water
The view so captivating primarily
Though its breath-taking vibe vanished,
I came back to my existence only knowing discovering marine life wasn't worth the quench

I went above the clouds to explore world beyond
The clouds fascinated enough,
Though the enchantment didn't amuse for long, 
I came back to reality only knowing the magnificent place I resided looked very trivial from different altitude 

Then one day I randomly strolled on my own land,
And in the midst of sorrow I found happiness,
Realising peace exists not in world outside but within..
My quest for happiness ended..I started living it..
My thirst to find peace ceased.. I was engulfed in it..


Dance to your own RHYTHM

A little bit of Sunshine, A bit of Rain, A bit of Sand To run and play Sound of waves Gushing on the stones, Changing colors...