Thursday, 26 May 2016


Every Day starts with a new beginning,
A mystery waiting to be unfold,
Life that was left undiscovered,
People who were unnoticed,
Images that remained blurred,
Voice that remained silent,
Days that remained gloomy,
Impulsiveness that led to ignorance,
Immaturity that breeds longevity,
Irrationality that mixes dilemma,
Innocence turned into cunning,
Smile that stopped reaching eyes,
Words that didn't reach the heart,
Walking no longer remained a leisure,
A life that became comfortable,
But no longer enjoyable...
Someday walking alone on a steep path,
When opportunity knocks the door once again,
Does one realise,
Essence behind many things,
Logic that wasn't always necessary,
Innocence yet so pure and complete,
Enjoying the Journey seemed more pleasurable,
Rather than the comfort one experienced..

Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Good Decisions lead to a good fortune.
Albeit bad decisions lead somewhere.
Staying indecisive is a curse in disguise..
It doesn't change anything,
Except making life much difficult to be dealt with,
Reason for a complete chaos,
Start of confusion,
Standing still on a misty road,
Making vision blurred instead of clear,
Making the worst life possible,
Finally Leading to a deadlock..
Humans are challenged with many situations,
But to let the situations unanswered isn't the right choice..
No decision is perfect,,
Until we actually make it look imperfect.
Everything comes with a flaw,
It only matters how much best we make with what we have..
Remaining indecisive isn't going to help anyway..
Rather making decisions,
Proving them correct can be a good solution.
Problems occur, recur, vanish someday..
Not letting one problem rule your instincts
Life is a blend of many decisions taken
Although is small variations and at different timings..
GREAT things happen to people who don't WAIT..
Winners don't wait for things to happen,,,
They go and happen to the world outside...


Thursday, 5 May 2016


Life is the perfect blend of "Different Phases" put together
Occurring at regular intervals,
Bad phases are the learning experiences,
The one's that are called stepping stones to a better future.. 
Good phases are worth cherishing..
The Day itself has several Phases,
From The Dawn to The Dusk..

Happiness and distress are two sides of the same coin,
It just matter which side of the coin one is facing currently.

The coin keeps tossing and the circumstances keep altering..
Life is always on a roller-coaster that's makes it surprising,

Ups and downs are the normal variation of life,
Circumstances have the potential to make you or break you

Phases make you stronger,
Circumstances make you wiser,
End is too far and the beginning was too behind 
In the middle of life it's all about learning..


Dance to your own RHYTHM

A little bit of Sunshine, A bit of Rain, A bit of Sand To run and play Sound of waves Gushing on the stones, Changing colors...