Saturday, 12 November 2016


Happiness is a state of mind
Something to put u in a state of trance
It's a choice,
Never treat it an option.
It cannot be pursued,
Albeit just felt.
Don't engulf yourself in misery
In search for happiness
It can be found even in midst of sorrow..
It's only the vision that matters.
Live for yourself first
Then become a philanthropist. 
A sad man can spread nothing but distress
And a contented only glee.
Human mind are trained to be conditioned,
Albeit happiness persists only till the moment one experiences
Stop feeling it and it vanishes.
Don't live in mystery,
Rather live by reality
Wishes turn into fact only by act
Thoughts lead to triumph but only with passage of time.
Dreams don't materialise till u try.
Not all act lead to result,
But brings you one step closer to victory
Every step not taken ahead is an opportunity lost.
No place is just for survival,
Make ur life thrilling.
Illusion isn't always vague,
It was a dream once.
Beliefs aren't always imaginary,
Its a step towards happiness!

Dance to your own RHYTHM

A little bit of Sunshine, A bit of Rain, A bit of Sand To run and play Sound of waves Gushing on the stones, Changing colors...