Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Cease the moment!

The world seemed faded away,
The sun slowly dwindled,
The clouds trespassed at lightning speed,
The darkness reinstated,
In the gloomy weather,
the atmosphere causing distress was withdrawn by the Dawn!
The new beginning it was
The droplets of rains now seemed beautiful,
The scene of snow clad mountains that stretched far ahead now looked serene,
The rays that sun-kissed made the existence felt more pleasing than before.
Do we live to the fullest every day of our life? Do we make our every breath count?
How often do we do what we like? the one which pleases us!
Do we survive or happily stay?
The emotional distress exists with every one of us, how much we make an effort to overcome it?
Life cannot be full of regrets, its much more than what we can imagine.
Cease the day, cease every moment, it wont come again no matter what u pay for it..
Its gone forever!
Love what u do, do what u love, live it to fullest..
Days pass, years cross, with time we all grow old..
One question we will always encounter.. Have we lived to fullest?


Monday, 8 June 2015


The sea stretched wide,
Broader than the vision extended..
The houses looked trivial,
And the view magical.
Strolling ahead seemed instigating my notion,
Is this real or just my imagination?
The scene looked flurry,
My eyes became moist,
Nature was at its best
To engulf the lost..
I was overwhelmed with the tranquillity of the place,
The Sea, the Sky, the Mountains spread glee to engross the rest.
The colour of the sea and sky blended perfectly,
In between the mountains added to the serenity,
Lost in the atmospheric pleasure
My mind seeped in peace,
Away from everyone
A place where I reached.
Lost in my thoughts, my hands played an instrument,
The music filled the air and the nature both in harmony.
Reluctant to return back,
My heart sank,
Lone as I was throughout the journey,
Though perfectly in consonance with nature's enigmatic beauty.


Friday, 5 June 2015


How mysterious is the "World of Illusion"? Sometimes the mysticism has the power to captivate things so untrue, beliefs so unreal, happenstance so pretentious, thoughts so distressing. The incidence of which makes you sometimes go into a burrow.
Life is on a toll completely. The next step is not taken that reluctantly. Uncertainty further leads to indecision making one a "perfect pessimist". Do we follow the gut feeling gifted to us by nature or is it all unreal? Do we stay on the shore or sail through to cross the limitations? Do we instigate our thoughts further? Or just rather put a pause to our thinking process?. Thoughts are continuous, thinking is like entering a vicious cycle, the end is unknown or rather uncertain.
Illusion can be sometimes two sides of the same that has the intensity to be the reason for "Happiness"(though not prolonged many times) and also the "Enigma of distress".
Should we step for a path that's destination is unrevealed or walk on the streets known, many a times which can be equally misleading.
The answer is unknown to many, known to a few who have dared to experience the miseries of life. Some who are heroic in their own way!
There is no space for regrets left.. Time is the real healer.. Phases alter, thoughts change, opinions diverge. The road that was once unknown, now becomes acquainted. Happy Times shine. Ray of hope lays its path once again. This Time Optimism seals it all...

P.S "Life is All About Living"


Thursday, 4 June 2015


Friendship is like rain drops,
Every water droplet has its own charm.
Friendship is like grass,
It keeps growing taller and stronger.
Friendship is like a track,
Road that starts, a road never-ending.
Friendship is like a cloud,
Black or white always unanimous.
Friendship is like nature,
Boundless, unending, fully philanthropist,
Friendship is like air,
Ceaseless and perpetual.
Friendship is something spiritual,
The one that has the magnitude to change everything.


Wednesday, 3 June 2015


Invading a trodden track,
Passing by the woods,
My minds seeps in Trance,
Away from the volatile world.

I'm mesmerized by a reflection walking,
In a state of contemplation,
My mind seeps in meditation,
Away from the brutal world.

Every step ahead brings tranquillity,
Shades that spread glee,
My mind seeps in contentment,
Away from the unpleasant world.

And.. then I reach a place of sanctity,
A lake filled with wisdom,
My mind seeps in stupendous atmosphere
With my eyes captivated with those of the Creator!


Time, once gone.. Gone Forever!

It's rightly said, "Time and Tide waits for no man". But how many of us indeed understand the proverb and act likewise?.. Infact we are reluctant enough in laying idle and letting the devil control our minds.

Time can be related to sand.. the more harder u try to squeeze in between your fingers, it slips.. leaving not even a minute existence of it and by the time you reach your destination, it has already surpassed through.

Everything cannot be trespassed, especially things out of your purview. There is always some kind of limitation nature imposes which can be in vivid ways.

Time will always race. If we are with it, it will race with you.. if not then against you. But it won't stop its chase.

Life is too small to live with regrets, and too big to live without memories in it. Value time, value moments filled with joys and happiness and the world is at your feet!

Dance to your own RHYTHM

A little bit of Sunshine, A bit of Rain, A bit of Sand To run and play Sound of waves Gushing on the stones, Changing colors...