Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Time, once gone.. Gone Forever!

It's rightly said, "Time and Tide waits for no man". But how many of us indeed understand the proverb and act likewise?.. Infact we are reluctant enough in laying idle and letting the devil control our minds.

Time can be related to sand.. the more harder u try to squeeze in between your fingers, it slips.. leaving not even a minute existence of it and by the time you reach your destination, it has already surpassed through.

Everything cannot be trespassed, especially things out of your purview. There is always some kind of limitation nature imposes which can be in vivid ways.

Time will always race. If we are with it, it will race with you.. if not then against you. But it won't stop its chase.

Life is too small to live with regrets, and too big to live without memories in it. Value time, value moments filled with joys and happiness and the world is at your feet!


Dance to your own RHYTHM

A little bit of Sunshine, A bit of Rain, A bit of Sand To run and play Sound of waves Gushing on the stones, Changing colors...