Saturday, 28 November 2015


Knowing is sometimes a beginning
Wishing is again a better start
Dream could be a nightmare
Albeit not a reality
A dream however bad it is finally ends
The reason being its a dream..
Similarly illusion however long it lasts
Finally comes to a standstill
The reason being its an illusion
Or probably just a notion..
Persuading an illusion as reality
Leads to misery
'A complete life without peace Theory'
Burning a candle in daylight isn't much of a difference
Lighting it to sway the darkness is worth appreciation.
Enlighten yourself from within
The world would be seen illuminated
A person half sleep can never be conscious,
He persists to remain in a state of inertia
Wisdom can only knock your doors if u let it..
Glory comes to only those who value it
Future awaits those who are alive..
Light represents;
Rescue to few
Pathway to others
Tranquillity to the unrest
Blessing to the cursed
Wisdom to many..


Thursday, 19 November 2015

Talented Attitude

Talent makes you knowledgeable
Attitude makes u wise
Talent makes you go near success
Attitude helps you live with success..
Talent is something which can perish with extinction,
Attitude is something that is remembered forever, that creates history..
Talent is developed with knowledge
Attitude is developed with circumstances..
Talent brings applause 
Attitude captivates millions..
When talent fails 
Attitude prevails.. 
Talent can be acquired 
Attitude can only be developed..
Talent leads to beginning 
Attitude continues it..
If talent defines your personality 
Attitude epitomizes you..
Talent teaches you to deal with success 
Attitude teaches you to turn failures into success..
There's a fear to talent
Attitude is dynamic.. 
Talent brings victory 
Attitude turns wounds into wisdom..
If talent means knowledge, brilliance, excellence 
Attitude means optimism, wisdom, glory...
Talent is biggest gift God gives you 
Attitude is biggest gift you give yourself!!



Dance to your own RHYTHM

A little bit of Sunshine, A bit of Rain, A bit of Sand To run and play Sound of waves Gushing on the stones, Changing colors...