Saturday, 28 November 2015


Knowing is sometimes a beginning
Wishing is again a better start
Dream could be a nightmare
Albeit not a reality
A dream however bad it is finally ends
The reason being its a dream..
Similarly illusion however long it lasts
Finally comes to a standstill
The reason being its an illusion
Or probably just a notion..
Persuading an illusion as reality
Leads to misery
'A complete life without peace Theory'
Burning a candle in daylight isn't much of a difference
Lighting it to sway the darkness is worth appreciation.
Enlighten yourself from within
The world would be seen illuminated
A person half sleep can never be conscious,
He persists to remain in a state of inertia
Wisdom can only knock your doors if u let it..
Glory comes to only those who value it
Future awaits those who are alive..
Light represents;
Rescue to few
Pathway to others
Tranquillity to the unrest
Blessing to the cursed
Wisdom to many..



Dance to your own RHYTHM

A little bit of Sunshine, A bit of Rain, A bit of Sand To run and play Sound of waves Gushing on the stones, Changing colors...