Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Road "Taken"

Dilemma with self persists always,
For 'The Road Not Taken"..
The Road that could have changed the life had it been taken,
Leading to a different identity.

Albeit all roads have their interconnectivity,
Little less known in beginning,
Time plays a role until it actually occurs,
Until then the journey continues on the path taken..

Substantially connecting the road once thought,
Sometimes Yellow woods lay ahead,
Sometimes green pastures make it visible 'Green Earth'
Sometimes there is visible clear sky with no clouds,

The Road not taken divulges,
Integrates with the road taken
Leaving very little space for regrets,

The road journey still continues...
All paths had same happiness and distress,
Just the order of the events changed..
With every turn there was a mystery.

Beyond TODAY there is still TOMORROW,
Wait for a change DAWN Lies ahead of the BURROW....


Saturday, 2 January 2016


Wisdom is something not obtained, transferred, adopted,
Instead it's the cumulative effect of many victories with the taste of failures..
Winning with right attitude,
Initiate with first step,
Surround with optimistic approach,
Dignity and respect forever,
Ontime with time,
Means to live not exist..
Wise alone doesn't mean prodigy,
Nor does smartness always equal to wiseness..
Words can never define quantum of wisdom..
It's observation which keeps getting stronger,
Everyday with time..
Bookish knowledge can never compete with that,
Passing few exams and gaining big degrees,
Aren't enough to decide its magnitude..
Gratitude keeps one going far ahead than what one ever thought,
It keeps the kindness alive and makes one win even lost battles..
Humility comes from the smallest act of kindness,
The kindness which redefines a person..
Being a simple human is what counts,
Other factor just adds to the basic nature of individual..
Without kindness there is no glory..
Without gratitude no wisdom is achieved..

Friday, 1 January 2016

Dreaming with Eyes Open

'If only one could have words to express a beautiful dream,
Living a dream is like breathing it'
Travelling is like an aroma,
Which lasts forever down in the memory lane..
Chasing new heights,
Diving into the deepest sea,
Surfing on the most dangerous waves,
Skiing at a breath taking speed..
Like the world around you is moving at thrilling speed..and engulfing you completely..
Ecstasy of nature is magnificent and beautifully enthralling..
Everyday to breathe fresh oxygen
Away from adulterated air of Chaotic city.
Also called as 'Modern Jungle'..
Far one travels from living habitat,
Closer one comes to discover self..
Making existence felt in many cities, leaving footprints on less known areas,
And diving into an endless ocean, leaving the world behind..
Only if life was compared to a book, 
'Travelling would start with page one and the book would never end then'
If looking through the spectrum could make visibly life beautiful,
Visiting new places might equal to tossing it 
Serenity of nature would engulf you completely,
Life is beautiful only if one could find a way to live it wisely..

Dance to your own RHYTHM

A little bit of Sunshine, A bit of Rain, A bit of Sand To run and play Sound of waves Gushing on the stones, Changing colors...