'If only one could have words to express a beautiful dream,
Living a dream is like breathing it'
Travelling is like an aroma,
Which lasts forever down in the memory lane..
Chasing new heights,
Diving into the deepest sea,
Which lasts forever down in the memory lane..
Chasing new heights,
Diving into the deepest sea,
Surfing on the most dangerous waves,
Skiing at a breath taking speed..
Like the world around you is moving at thrilling speed..and engulfing you completely..
Ecstasy of nature is magnificent and beautifully enthralling..
Skiing at a breath taking speed..
Like the world around you is moving at thrilling speed..and engulfing you completely..
Ecstasy of nature is magnificent and beautifully enthralling..
Everyday to breathe fresh oxygen
Away from adulterated air of Chaotic city.
Also called as 'Modern Jungle'..
Away from adulterated air of Chaotic city.
Also called as 'Modern Jungle'..
Far one travels from living habitat,
Closer one comes to discover self..
Making existence felt in many cities, leaving footprints on less known areas,
And diving into an endless ocean, leaving the world behind..
Only if life was compared to a book,
'Travelling would start with page one and the book would never end then'
If looking through the spectrum could make visibly life beautiful,
Visiting new places might equal to tossing it
Serenity of nature would engulf you completely,
Life is beautiful only if one could find a way to live it wisely..

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