Conflict of thoughts never cease,
Darkness implies bad
Dawn represents the good,
Vision could be deluded
Sometimes by unpleasant atmosphere
Vague surroundings
Ambiguous theories,
Happenstance unclear,
Making situations more speculative
Than earlier what they were..
Uncertainty prevails,
Bogusness steps in..
Making lookalike more charming,
Loosing value of the originality,
That was an enigma once..
The vision yet engulfed in fake,
Albeit the dawn awakens every subtle thing,
The fog ceases,
Laying a path for authenticity,
Genuineness once again reinstated,
Leaving no scope for deceptive environment..
The dawn is an awakening,
Creating transparency,
Clearing the ambiguity,
Longevity of darkness gets eluded
With the slightest shade of sunlight,
Vision sparkles in a serene environment,
Everlasting tranquillity,
Soothing calmness
Ending the unworthy journey,
Or rather a beginning of a better journey..
Mind stable as the sea that stretched wide,
Trying to find reflection of self,
In the calmness of water..
Landing up instead,
Discovering yourself..

Darkness implies bad
Dawn represents the good,
Vision could be deluded
Sometimes by unpleasant atmosphere
Vague surroundings
Ambiguous theories,
Happenstance unclear,
Making situations more speculative
Than earlier what they were..
Uncertainty prevails,
Bogusness steps in..
Making lookalike more charming,
Loosing value of the originality,
That was an enigma once..
The vision yet engulfed in fake,
Albeit the dawn awakens every subtle thing,
The fog ceases,
Laying a path for authenticity,
Genuineness once again reinstated,
Leaving no scope for deceptive environment..
The dawn is an awakening,
Creating transparency,
Clearing the ambiguity,
Longevity of darkness gets eluded
With the slightest shade of sunlight,
Vision sparkles in a serene environment,
Everlasting tranquillity,
Soothing calmness
Ending the unworthy journey,
Or rather a beginning of a better journey..
Mind stable as the sea that stretched wide,
Trying to find reflection of self,
In the calmness of water..
Landing up instead,
Discovering yourself..
Great Work !